AP 595.400 | In-Person | Reg Hahne
This in-person course is designed to maximize the learner experience, providing relevant AP content and pedagogy through meaningful engagement –all focused on best practices for preparing your AP students for success. Specifically, during this AP Computer Principles APSI, participants will explore the course framework, the exam, and the new AP resources that will help them plan and focus instruction—and give them feedback throughout the year on the areas where individual high school students need additional focus. Participants also will learn about completing the digital activation process at the start of the school year that will give them immediate access to the new resources and will help ensure that their students can register for AP Exams by the new fall deadlines. By attending this APSI, participants will gain deeper insight into the following key takeaways, among several others: Understand the Course; Plan the Course; Teach the Course; Assess Student Progress; and Engage as a Member of the AP Community. In addition, specific attention will be paid to the following AP Classroom resources: unit guides, personal progress checks, AP teacher community, and the AP question bank.
Reg Hahne
Starting his teaching career in Australia, Reg Hahne immigrated to America and continued his career in the Howard County Public School System in Maryland, where he retired in 2013. He continues to share his expertise as a consultant to the College Board* and the Howard County Public School System. With 37 years' experience as a classroom teacher, Reg's expertise covers the gamut of instructional levels and disciplines from kindergarten through college. Reg has been an AP* reader and College Board* consultant for over two decades. He also was a member of the AP Computer Science A Development Committee from 2002 to 2006.