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    AP 557.402 | In-Person | Alan Feldman


    This in-person AP Psychology APSI course is designed to maximize the learner experience, providing relevant AP content and pedagogy through meaningful engagement with focus on the best empirical practices for preparing your AP Psychology students for success. During this course, participants will explore the AP Psychology course curriculum, the exam, scoring procedures and the 2023-2024 AP resources that will help plan and focus instruction and give feedback throughout the year on the areas where individual students need additional focus. For example, there are about 32 terms (some in pairs like habituation and sensory adaptation) students often are confused about in the course—these will be discussed in detail. Many other terms for the course will be discussed in detail, as well as the psychologists that may appear on the exam. The most important experiments and research studies for the AP Psychology course also will be examined in detail. Resources will be discussed such as web sites, psychology toys and devices, test banks, books, articles, DVDs plus more. The book, Teaching Introductory Psychology: Survival Tips from the Experts, edited by Robert Sternberg, will be discussed as well as the important 1984 article by Henry Gleitman about teaching introductory psychology. Participants will be given access to a great deal of materials via the Canvas platform. An in-depth review of the research methods section of the course will occur as one of the two constructed response questions will be focused on research methods as per College Board guidelines. Participants also will learn about completing the digital activation process at the start of the school year that will give them immediate access to the new resources and will help ensure that their students can register for AP Exams by the new fall deadlines. By attending this APSI, participants will gain deeper insight into the following key takeaways, among several others: Understand the Course; Plan the Course; Teach the Course; Assess Student Progress; and Engage as a Member of the AP Community. In addition, specific attention will be paid to the following AP Classroom resources: unit guides, personal progress checks, AP teacher community, and the AP question banks. If participants are taking the course for graduate credit, please email Mr. Feldman in advance to discuss a project/assignment. If participants have taught psychology before, please be prepared to share a favorite lesson plan or class activity with everyone. Please contact the instructor with any questions or concerns prior to the course.


    Alan Feldman

    Alan Feldman

    Alan Feldman is a teacher of AP Psychology, History, and Mathematics at Glen Rock High School in Glen Rock, NJ. Since 1993, Alan has taught dozens of one-day, weekly, and month-long AP Psychology workshops for the College Board. He also has instructed or co-instructed psychology workshops at the University of Northern Kentucky, Fordham, Stanford, Texas A&M, Rutgers, and others. Formerly an adjunct professor of psychology at Middlesex County College, Alan currently is an adjunct professor at Bergen Community County College. He has been an AP reader continuously since the exam’s inception in 1992 and a table leader since 2003. He is author of over 50 articles on the teaching of psychology and wrote the AP Psychology teachers’ course perspective for AP Central. He is a former member of the AP psychology test development committee (2001-2005) as well as a recipient of the 1994 Moffet Teaching Award for high school psychology, the 2003 Princeton University Distinguished Secondary Teaching Award, and the 2015 APA TOPSS Charles T. Blair-Broeker Excellence in Teaching Award. He has a graduate degree in psychology from Teachers’ College, Columbia University. His hobbies are table tennis, biking, reading, and collecting psychology books, toys, videotapes, and DVDs.